#4 Visit Your Local Fire Station

Chalkboard Parenting

A great way to spend time with your child is to spend one-on-one time with your child is to visit your local fire station.



Visit Your Local Fire Station:

Visit your local fire station or fire hall. So simple yet so meaningful. Identify the best fire station for you and your child to visit and simply give them a call to see if you can and when would be a good time to do so. It’s so simple we as adults might overlook it, but things like this stay with our children. 

What Makes This Date Special:

This date can be special if you have a young child who might love an adventure like this. It can be special if you take it and turn it into a date of community service, as well. The sky’s the limit on how much you want to put into it, but you can take this opportunity and show these guys and girls that you appreciate what they do for your community. It can be as baking them cookies or brownies to take with you, or you can ask your friends and neighbors to donate gift cards to local restaurants and take them with you. Be as creative as you would like, but know anything would be appreciated. 

Teachable Moments:

How the fire department works and serves the community. 

Fire safety for your home.


If you have already visited a fire station, you can visit a police station. If you have a military branch of service in your area, you can contact them and see if a visit is possible as well.


Fire Hall

Visit your local fire hall


Community. Education. Acts of Kindness. Helping Others. Free.


A free date unless you want to serve them in various ways that might add some expenses, but of course, that’s optional. 


Minimal planning here simply coordinates with your local fire station regarding a date and time. I would probably set it up before you go and not show up unannounced to make your visit go as well as possible.

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.

Google/Pinterest Search:


Reference Websites:


Amazon Resources:

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