#11 Sunrise And Sunset On The Same Day

chalkboard parenting

Spend one-on-one time together watching the sunrise and sunset on the same day

Watch The Sunrise And Sunset In The Same Day:

One of the best ways you can spend one-on-one time together is to plan to watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day! While watching both the sunrise and set on the same day, the idea here is that you spend the entire day with your child doing whatever you like.

WMTDS (What Makes This Date Special):

You may count on one hand the number of days you have intentionally spent the entire day with your child. Spending a full day together, of course, can happen because you live together and do life together, but how about the number of days you set aside the day so that you can spend the entire day together just the two of you. That will create a day that you and your child will both remember for a very long time. The sun will bookend your time together, but the in-between is totally up to you.     

Teachable Moments:

If you commit to spending the entire day together, you will most definitely have teachable moments throughout the day.


You can have a sunrise to sunrise date where you spend the night somewhere. A camping trip somewhere could be a great idea for this date.

The variations are endless as to what you can do with this as long as you commit to spending the entire day together.

If you don’t have time to spend the entire day together, you can table that for another time and simply plan on watching the sunrise and sunset on the same day.

one on one time with your kids

watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day




The expense of this date simply depends on what you decide to do during your time together. Watching the sunrise and sunset is free!


If you plan on spending the entire day together, you may want to do some planning to make the most of your day, or you can just wing it and be spontaneous. Both ways have some significant advantages. Apart from that, you will want to think about the best place for you and your child to watch the sunrise and set from where you live. You may want to do this in the same location or two different places.  

Materials Needed:

No materials needed.

Google/Pinterest Search:


Reference Websites:

Time & date.com


10 Best apps for calculating sunrise & sunset

Amazon Resources:



For a list of other ideas on how to spend one-on-one time with your child, see the full list here.

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