#30 Make Backyard Soccer Goal

chalkboard parenting

A great way to spend time with your kids is to build a soccer goal in your backyard

Make A Backyard Soccer Goal With PVC Pipe:

Amazon offers nice soccer goals for between $40 and $100, but this date idea is to create one together. Building one allows you to teach your kids how to use some simple, necessary tools. It also enhances your time in the backyard, knowing that you created this together.

You may think you’re not good with tools and can’t do this with your child. I promise this is such a doable project that even a person with no-tool skills whatsoever can do it! If you struggle to get through the project, you create even more teachable moments with your child. Imagine what it will be like to spend an hour or two creating this extraordinary gift, and then taking it out in the yard to play soccer with your kids

WMTDS (What Makes This Date Special):

When you build something together, the item possesses much more meaning than if you’d simply purchased it

Teachable Moments:

Design and building a project
Following instructions
Working together
Using tools and supplies

This date allows you to design and build something together, which creates several teachable moments useful to their education and everyday life. You may be quietly making a soccer goal together, but think of how many opportunities in life will require these skills. It will also equip your children – and maybe you – with the knowledge that they can build something on their own. There are also teachable moments surrounding the use of tools and techniques in constructing your soccer goal.


If your children don’t enjoy soccer, you can accommodate this date to whatever sport or activity they enjoy in the backyard. Depending on your interest, skill set, and time investment, other options are:

Climbing wall
Splash pad
Goalposts for football
Reading nook
Beach area/sandbox
In-ground trampoline

If you don’t want to focus on sports, there are many other backyard projects to do together, such as landscaping or gardening, that will offer every lesson here and maybe more!


You don’t have to spend much at all to build a soccer goal, approximately $25 to $100. If you do a more elaborate project or use more expensive materials, the cost of this date can increase significantly. Use your children’s interest, the required skill set, and your budget to establish how much you want to spend and make your decisions accordingly.

chalkboard parenting

A great way to spend time with your kids is to build a soccer goal in your backyard


It is possible to start and finish this date in a few hours with no plan. However, there is some planning involved with choosing which design you want to make and obtaining supplies from your local hardware store.

Reference Websites:

How to build a soccer goal

Make your own portable soccer goal

PVC soccer goals

How to build the ultimate backyard soccer goal

Cheap & easy PVC soccer goals

Amazon Resources:

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#9 Take a stadium tour

For a list of other ideas on how to spend one-on-one time with your child, see the full list here.

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