#65 Make A Movie Together

chalkboard parenting

A great way to spend time with kids is to make a movie together

Make A Movie Together:

A fun, simple, and creative way to spend time with your child is to create a film together. This can be a simple home movie that the two of you make together or something elaborate that you create. You can use your phone to do this or a video camera. Some ideas allow for creativity, and this is one of those ideas that the more creative you get with it, the more fun and memorable it will be.

A fun, simple, and creative way to spend time with your child is to create a movie together. This can be a simple home movie that the two of you make together or something elaborate that you create. You can use your phone to do this or a video camera. Some ideas allow for creativity, and this is one of those ideas that the more creative you get with it, the more fun and memorable it will be.

I found a great article here that walks you through the steps of making a short film.  There are also lots of other articles and videos at the end of the post. I’ve also listed some great camera options on Amazon if you’re interested.

WMTDS (What Makes This Date Special):

I love this date idea because not only can it be enjoyable for the two of you together but offers you both to watch what you created for years to come. Watching this in the future will be meaningful to you and your family but is also a reminder every time your child watches it (no matter how old) that the two of you spending time together was important. That in and of itself is simply priceless.

Teachable Moments:

Using a camera, phone or video equipment

Planning and setting-up your movie



There are so many different options as to what kind of film to make together. Here are just a few.

Interesting people

Virtual tours

Animated videos

Video diary



chalkboard parenting

A great way to spend time with kids is to make a movie together


If money is a factor, this can be a great free date option for you and your child. If you have the budget and want to invest some money on a video camera, props, misc expenses, you can, of course, do that as well. The bottom line, this can be an excellent idea for all budget needs.


The more planning you are willing to do here, the better this project will be. That’s not to say that you can’t just wing it one day and create a great movie, but the more the two of you plan, the more meaningful the idea may become. Of course, a lot of this will depend on your child’s age.

Reference Websites:

Make Your Own Movie

Write, Direct & Edit Your Own Movie

How To Make Your Own Movie

How To Make Your Own Film

Make Your Own Movie

Amazon Resources:

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#15 Make a List of Movies to Watch Together

#22 Read A Book Then Watch The Movie

For a list of other ideas on how to spend one-on-one time with your child, see the full list here.

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