#6 Capture Your Memories On A Map

chalkboard parenting

Capture your memories on a map as a one-on-one time idea for you and your child

Capture Your Memories On A Map:

What better way to spend one-on-one time with your child than to create a visual at home of your travels and memories. There are several options and ways you can do this, but the idea is to simply create a visual map that hangs up in your home to remind you and your child of your travels together. The fun here is in creativity, so let your imagination run wild. 

What Makes This Date Special:

This date is special because it allows you and your child to visually see your time together on the wall of your house. Every time that you do something together that you can add to your map, it’s just one more memory that is displayed of the time you share.     

Teachable Moments:

Learning to craft and make things for your home.

Conversations that talk about the importance of spending time together.


If you have more than one child, you can create a map for each one of them and your time together.

If you don’t want to do pictures, you can take the same idea and use push pins or scratch off maps instead.

Rather than a map of the world or U.S., you can get a map of your state or city to display pictures or pins.


Chalkboard Parenting one-on-one time together

Create one-on-one time by reflecting on memories together


Crafts. Creative. Travel. Sentimental.


The expense of capturing your memories on a map will just depend on how you want to go about this craft. You don’t have to spend a whole lot, and you can even probably do it for next to nothing, or you can invest some money in it to get it the way you want. It’s totally up to you. The important thing is that you are spending one-on-one time together. 


It will be a good idea to have something in mind as far as what you want to do before getting started. Since this date requires some materials, you will want to have those in hand before your day arrives.

Materials Needed:

  1. Map
  2. Developed pictures or pins
  3. Arts and craft supplies you will need, such as scissors, glue or tape, and a way to hang it on the wall.

Google/Pinterest Search:

travel wall ideas

how to make a push-up pin travel map

Reference Websites:

How to build your own push-up pin travel map

Push Pin Travel Maps

Amazon Resources:

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For a list of other ideas on how to spend one-on-one time with your child, see the full list here

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