A great way to spend time with your kids is to create a family version of Guinness Book World records
Create a Family Version Of The Guinness Book Of World Records:
This date is a lot of fun, and can also establish a new family tradition. We’re all familiar with the Guinness Book of World Records, but this date allows you to create your family’s book of records.
There are two parts to the date: creating or buying your journal and then filling it with records. You can spend a little or a lot of time in your journal, depending on how creative you would like to be. Another indicator is how large a part you believe this new tradition will play in your family culture. When making your decision, keep in mind that the idea is that this becomes something handed down to the next generation. This journal allows you to maintain whatever records you choose to create in your family. When other family members break or add records, their accomplishments will be noted in this journal. You may want to have sections in your record book for different categories such as sports, board games, etc.
The second part of your date will be coming up with and establishing the first records in your journal. This provides many opportunities to do fun and competitive things with your family. You can focus on one significant record to start the book with or work on several smaller ones. Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be something competitive to be noted in the journal. You can have records for anything you feel would be fun for you and your family. Here are some general examples:
Longest Monopoly game played
Most books read in a year
Fastest to load or unload the dishwasher
The most extended amount of time without watching TV
Most basketball free throws without a miss
Largest bubble gum bubble
The longest streak of days without missing a chore
The highest score on a specific Wii game
Most consecutive days doing some form of exercise
Most pizza slices are eaten
You may also want to come up with ground rules for the record book, but have fun with this! For example, you may say that one other family member must witness the record. You don’t need an extensive list, just some clear expectations on how the records are established.
WMTDS (What Makes This Date Special):
This date is unique because it brings your family together through a new, unique tradition. If you emphasize its importance to your family folklore, the journal could become a family heirloom. The longer you have it and use it, the more sacred the records will become, and the more ideas for records you’ll come up with to record. Imagine doing this when your children are in elementary school and having it as a part of your family throughout their childhood. How many conversations and how much laughter will it create not just during that time, but also in the years to come after they’re grown? Besides being a great date, this idea also offers a lifetime of future memories and laughter.
Teachable Moments:
You’re indirectly teaching the importance of family by creating your dynamics as a family. This date shows love through the time, and passion poured into your family – indirectly teaching them to do the same with their children.
You could decide to pick a few of your family’s favorite records and post them somewhere in the house. Maybe your smaller children, like ours, enjoy playing the Wii, in which case you might place a chalkboard in your home with the top scores for certain games. Children of all ages get excited to know they’re the record holder for a particular game. You can also post something on your refrigerator to encourage more conversations and activities related to your family version of Guinness Book World records.
Another variation is to broaden the scope of your book to include extended family. It’ll make it a little less intimate, but also allows more people to join in. You can have competitions during family reunions or holiday gatherings. This is a good variation if you have a small family or an only child.
Outside the small cost of creating or purchasing a journal, this is a free date!

A great way to spend time with your kids is to create a family version of Guinness Book World records
No advanced preparation is needed for this date. Simply allow the date to take you where it does with you and your child as you choose and establish the records.
Materials Needed:
Something to keep up with your family records. A nice journal would be a great keepsake for your family.
Reference Websites:
Guinness book of world records
Amazon Resources:
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For a list of other ideas on how to spend one-on-one time with your child, see the full list here.
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